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Freedom Scientific JAWS 11.0.756 32bit (by Glitch)
Applications > Windows
185.12 MB

assistive technology screen reader Freedom Scientific JAWS 11 JAWS v11 JAWS crack blind blindness
+2 / -0 (+2)

Mar 20, 2010


Freedom Scientific JAWS 11.0.756 32bit (by Glitch)
** Description updated as of June 14, 2010 **

The torrent file here has both 32bit and 64bit versions, but
after reports of failed attempts with the 64bit version, only
mark the 32bit for download if your torrent client supports
such a feature.  An installation guide is included in the .rar

With that said, there are newer working cracks of JAWS 11,
both 32bit and 64bit, that you can look at by clicking on my
user name, Glitch01, on thePirateBay.

Why am I choosing to keep this torrent?  Well, I just couldn't
bring myself to just delete this torrent with all its wonderful
comments, especially the ungrateful, needy, and demanding
ones.  I suppose I am just a sentimental fool.  *smiles*

As usual, questions or comments, post them here.




In the previous posting, a commenter had asked about the 64bit version and whether or not it worked. The short answer is that I don't know.

I've only installed the 32bit version on three 32bit systems -- XP, Vista, and Windows 7. All are running fine. The only thing worth noting is that this crack does not enable Remote Access and Tandem Direct.

As for the 64bit system users, it would be helpful to know whether the 64bit version of JAWS 11 worked out or not.
I have a 64 bit windows 7 system.
I installed jaws.
It worked but the crack dosn't.
I ran the bat file and after that I get an error.
I coppyed the files my self but same problem the message is:
"The application was anable to start"

64 bit not working.
I can not use my system.
Do you have an other crack for 64 bit vista/7?

Thank's for the upload.

I understand that there are those who are having slight problems with the 32bit crack and, more seriously, problems with the 64bit crack. Please be at ease as I am addressing these particular problems with people through email and will post the results shortly.

I am well aware that the registration process here at TPB is not accessible due to the visual verification image that is required. This is a very unfortunate fact because it prevents users who are also blind or visually impaired from commenting and asking for help directly on the torrent page. Knowing this, I will post up the transcripts of said emails to better address the problems that users might be experiencing.

Lastly, I have sent the operators of TPB correspondence through the main page requesting accessibility, which, ironically enough, also requires visual verification.
I am still waiting for their response.

I will send a follow up email and perhaps will include the transcripts as well in order to demonstrate that there are, indeed, commenters requesting help.

Take care, and talk soon,
Hi, Thank you for your kindness to upload.
I am one of the registered blind here. Actually accessibility has gone far today. With the help of Webvisum etc etc I believe one can register at ThePirateBay without any trouble. By the way, how is the update on 64 Bit crack of JAWS?

Hi Genious90,

Regarding the Webvisum. I have heard of that addon for Firefox, but have yet to try it out myself. For the benefit of myself and other users who are blind, would you tell us more about it -- where to get it, and how to get started. Any quickstart guides or podcasts would be ideal.

As an update on the JAWS 11 crack, I've been working with 64bit users and we have tried a few plans, which failed to work. Currently, there are a few more plans I have been researching, one of which involves the Windows driver signing to be disabled. I will report back on any findings, be it in the positive or negative.

Hi to all,

No fix update as of yet for the Win7 64bit crack; I am waiting on Win7 64bit users to report on their findings.

As for Win7 32bit users having problems applying the crack, turn off User Account Control. Open control panel and select Action Center. Select "Change User Account Control settings" and turn UAC OFF.

An alternative method is to use the search field on the Start Menu.
- Press the Windows key to open the Start Menu
- Then, since the cursor is already in the search field, type the letters U A C. A dropdown list will appear with possible matches
- Select "Change User Account Control Settings" and press enter.
- In the window that appears, tab once to the "Notification Level Slider".
- sliding the marker all the way down will turn UAC off.
- Tab once more and activate the OK button.
- Continue with applying the crack.


hi I alredy download this jaws and yes it is true you need to turn off the uac to install the crack but don't turn it on it will lost your crack so do you have a update about this uac is importan and do you know if there is alredy mobile speak 4 that's crack tnx
Not worth downloading if you only want the 32 bits version. The cryptography is much stronger and more complicated on a 64 bit platform and therefor more difficult to produce working cracks for å 64 bit version. I hope you come up with a working solution soon on the 64 bit version. It's is really complicated and I hope the developers of the released crack can bring it out in a "secound edition!" 32 bits confirmed ok. 64 bit: Wait.
Hi to all, this is Glitch,

As all the results are in from the testers, it is a 'definite' confirmation that the x64 crack for JAWS 11 does not work. This is very unfortunate news; however, there has been great success with the x32/x86 crack for JAWS 11 on XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

I will keep a watch for the x64 crack, and if there is a workable version, I will upload it here on TPB to share with the world.

And, as promised, I will attach a few of the transcripts below. With any luck, it would aid in developing a workable x64 crack.

G. on Sun, March 21, 2010 said:

I downloaded and installed jaws 11 on my windows 7 32 bit machine.
After running the .bat file (I also ran it as admin), nothing happened.
After manually replacing the files, the following error message came:
A referral was returned from the server.
I also tested it on xp machine and it worked there perfectly.
So is there anything I didn't do or did wrong?
Any advice would be appreciated!
With regards,

Glitch01 on Sun, March 21, 2010, 9:16 PM said:

Hi, G.,
I'll help if I can.
First off, what system did you have trouble installing on?
Second, was it the 32bit or 64bit version of JAWS 11 that you used?
Talk soon,

G. On Sun, March 21, 2010 said:

I installed jaws 11 32 bit on windows 7 32 bit.

Glitch01 on Sun, March 21, 2010, 9:52 PM said:

I have to apologize, you did mention the version and system in your first email.
I guess I shouldn't rush  through technological emails.
I promise that it won't happen again.  lol...
I've done a quick Google search and had little to no luck learning what the message "A referral was returned from the server" means.
I'm not giving up on you yet because I had success installing and cracking it on a Win7 32bit system -- a Toshiba netbook actually.
There are a handful of questions; would you happen to have AIM where we can instant message?
If not, we can talk through here. It might not be as elegant, but I'm willing to work with what we have.  :)
Talk soon,

G. on Sun, March 21, 2010 said:

No problem about it, it just happens sometimes. :)
I use msn and skype, but unfortunately not AIM.

Glitch01 on Sun, March 21, 2010 11:26 PM said:

Let me reinstall Windows Messenger, and we can talk more tomorrow.
It's been so long, I have to learn how to use it again.

G. on Wed, March 24, 2010 said:

I got it working last night.
I combined it with a kind of dongle emulator, disabled user account control and now it works.
With regards,

Glitch01 on Wed, March 24, 2010 11:00 PM said:

That is awesome!

I've been researching on the net and found a few more JAWS 11 cracks in preparation for our project, but it is great that you figured it out. I have to know, how did you do it?

There are a few other people who emailed me with similar problems, and there are additional people wanting assistance with problems pertaining to the 64bit edition, too.

I kind of wish they posted the messages on the torrent page so others could help too. In hindsight, maybe including my email wasn't such a grand idea.

I know that the registration process on TPB requires visual varification through CAPTCHA.  Not accessible if one is blind.  Ergo, I added my email to the text file. I sent a few messages to the operators of TPB requesting accessibility, but I have not heard from them yet.  Perhaps a group of pirates who are blind should be formed.

Anyway, I am interested in how you worked out the JAWS 11 problem.

Talk soon,

G. on Wed, March 24, 2010 said:

What I did was quite easy:
I got some advice to turn off user account control. Ok, done it. Tried to apply the patch, nothing... then replaced the files manually, nothing again.
Then I installed a kind of dongle emulator and after that it works!

After that I tried to get them working separately, the weird thing was, they didn't, so they only worked for me together.

I think the same thing works on 64 bit as well, cause this emulator should be for both, 32 bit and 64 bit.

Although I feel a little bit bad about disabling user account control, I've been a quite long xp user, so I'm sure I can survive without it. :) In addition, I know a bit about what I install on my machine. :P

If you want, I can send you the emulator tomorrow in msn.

With best regards and thanks,

Glitch01 on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:58 PM said:


Turning off the U A C makes sense, I failed to mention it in the instructions because the first thing I did after my Windows 7 install was to disable the U A C altogether.  I know my systems very well, and after a short t
j. on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:07 AM said:

what's wrong with the jaws11 32 bit crack under windows vista?
Hi when I installed the jaws 11.0.756 and applied the crack I go to run it and get the message:
"c:\program files\freedom scientific\jaws\11.0\jfw.exe a referral was returned from the serever"
then I click ok and it dies.
any ideas?

j. on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:56 AM said:
same message happens with fsauth
is this a vista issue?

Glitch01 on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:07 PM said:

I'll ask around, but in the mean time, try disabling the User Account Control before installing JAWS 11 and then running the crack.
Let me know how that works.

j. on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:17 AM said:

I love the crack, but no tandom ability?
I wish it had it.
I have a jaws 10.0 crack with tandom but it only lasts for a minute or so then dies.
I know why though the serial number isn't in fs's database so yes tandom works, but the server says you're going away after a minute.
any plans to release a tandom enabled crack?

Glitch01 on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:19 AM said:

Hi j.,

Great to know the crack worked for you!  :)
Was it the suggestions in my previous message that did the trick, or were other things tried?
Please be detailed if you think it will help other users.
I am asking only because I want to get a concensus from users who are using this crack.
With the experience gathered, hopefully others won't encounter similar problems.

As far as Tandem is concerned, I know what you mean.  I wish this JAWS crack had Tandem ability too.  Maybe someday soon.  I will keep a lookout and post up anything that sounds promising.

j. on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:11 AM said:

yes disabling user account control did the trick.
who wrote the crack?
if we knew who writes these things we'd know where to go about fixing tandom.

Glitch01 on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:15 AM said:


I haven't the slightest who creates the JAWS cracks.
I am sure that there are different people who do it for different versions.
Or, just one really gifted coder. :)
If only there was a way to get in touch with said coders.
Anyway, it is great news to hear that you got the JAWS 11 crack working on your Windows Vista 32bit system.
As in the last step of the instructions, enjoy! :)

Take care,

J. on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:22 AM said:

I wish we could get ahold of the coders to.
where did you get it from?
that might give us a clue.

Glitch01 on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:34 PM said:

Hi J.,

There was a person who commented on one of the JAWS 10 crack torrent pages that has been keeping in contact with me through email. It was this person that passed along the JAWS 11 Crac to me. And I, in turn, passed it along to TPB, and then, from there to you.
I've already enquired where this person got the crack, but this person received it from a friend as well.
It is a mystery, no doubt about that.


J. on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:13 PM said:

mystery indeed.
I just wish they'd included tandom support by coming up with a serial number that lasted more than a minute like the jaws 10 crack's serial number only
lasts for a minute on tandom.
I'm thinking sense these are authrozed through a software based dongle find someone who has a leagle jaws and give the crack there serial number.
What do you think?

Glitch01 on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 3:07 PM said:

Hi J.,

I had used the Tandem crack for JAWS 10 as well, and it worked for a long time. It has been a longer time since I used Tandem on JAWS 10, but a reason to consider is that the serial number might have gotten blacklisted by Freedom Scientific. Now, if the coders were to come up with a serial key generator, that would be something special.

N. on Tue, March 23, 2010 said:


JAWS v11.0.0.756 64 bit
I downloaded the torrent and followed the instructions listed. Whenever I apply the crack by double clicking on it or drap and drop to the Jaws Icon, the authorization screen continues to show up and ask for full version auth.
Have you found this to be an issue? If so, do you have a different crack so that I may use the full version?

Thanks in advance,

Glitch01 on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 6:25 PM said:

I'll ask around, but in the meantime try disabling the User Account Control before installing JAWS 11 and running the autocrack.
If the autocrack doesn't work, then you will have to manually copy the files in the crack folder and replace the ones in the installation directory. Note: copy the two folders named "JAWS" and "JAWS Runtime" and paste it in "C:, Program Files, Freedom Scientific". There should already be directories there of exact names, so when it asks if you want to replace the files, say yes to all.

Let me know how it turns out.

Talk soon,

N. on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 5:08 AM said:

I've tried disabling the User Account and then running the autocrack. This did not yield the desired result. I manually applied the autocrack as suggested in your prior email. No luck either. The authorization box pops up and tells me that it has to run in 40 minute mode. Please help.

Hi all, Glitch here,

I am having database errors while attempting to post the rest of the transcripts. I am not sure which part of the text is the one giving me problems, but I'll try and figure it out even if it takes posting the transcripts piece by piece. Needless to say, bear with me here.

Glitch01 on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:52 PM Said:

Hi N.,

Thank you for being detailed in your descriptions; it does help a great deal. As for your problem with the JAWS 11 64bit crack, there is a plan B.

I have researched and obtained another JAWS 11 crack for both 32bit and 64bit that sounds promising. I will clean it up, and then upload only the 64bit version to a server for you to download and review. Note that I have not tested this second set myself, and am relying on you to try it out. Keep your fingers crossed because I'm not sure if the source of this second set is completely different from the first set or not.
The good thing about this second set is that some instructions actually came with it, although it is a little unclear when it comes time to apply the crack.
From my understanding...
First, copy all four crack files and replacing them in
C:\Program Files\Freedom Scientific\JAWS\11.0\
Then, copy just the JFW.exe then replacing it in
C:\Program Files\Freedom Scientific\JAWS Runtime\11.0\

It just occurred to me to compare the size of the four cracks in the "JAWS" directory belonging to the first set you already have with the size of the four cracks in the second set that you don't have, and they match up exactly. This leads me to believe that the first set you have might work, but copy and replace all four cracks to the "JAWS" directory, and then copy and replace only the JFW.exe to the "JAWS Runtime" directory.

Try this first with the set you already have, and then if it doesn't work, click on the following link to download the second set.
(link expired)

Lastly, continue reporting your results, either in the positive or negative, as it might be helpful for others experiencing similar problems.

Thank you, and talk soon,
N. on Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 3:03 PM said:

Man, I still can't get it to work. After walking through the steps is gives an Application Error message.  The application was unable to start correctly
(oxcooooo7b). Click OK to close the application.
Glitch01 on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 6:26 PM said:

Hi N.,

I have recently sent out the following options to a few other Win7 64bit users in hopes that it would maximize our chances of getting this to work. With that said, I have a theory that this problem has something to do with the Digital Signature Enforcement; therefore, I searched on the web for possible solutions.

Would you try these options on your Win7 64bit system and see if it gets JAWS 11 working?

The option that requires less work, I have quoted here; however, if it fails to work, I have added further links to other options. I apologize that the links are not in resemblance of order , and there may be similar links.

"Another option that might work for you is to Press F8 key upon initial system boot up, and then select Disable Driver Signature enforcement for that boot session. However, users have to apply this option every shutdown and restart. An easy solution to the hassle is to put the computer into sleep or hibernate mode instead of shutting down every time."
As mentioned, there are other options to disable Digital Signature Enforcement, one of which involves using the command prompt. Here are other links that pertain to possible solutions. There are six links.

Note: for the addresses below...
- Replace all "," with "."
- Replace all " * " with "/")
I apologize for not being an expert at posting and have to resort to such crude techniques.

thegeekprofessor,com * windows7 * turn-off-driver-signing-enforcement-in-windows-7 *
mydigitallife,info * 2009 * 11 * 18 * force-load-unsigned-drivers-in-test-mode-easily-in-windows-7-or-vista-with-driver-signature-enforcement-overrider *
samsclass,info * 335 * 335_S09,shtml#projects
ngohq,com * home,php?page=dseo)
bit,ly * 19wYgB
howinthetech,com * disabling-digital-driver-signing-in-windows-7 *

Since I am not using a Win7 64bit system, let me know what you discover. Thank you.

N. on Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:56 AM said:


I've read through, printed out and tried the test mode options listed. Still no dice.  The demo mode works for 40 minutes at a time. However, I've got
a blind friend that needs access to it more than 40 minutes at a time.  I hate to be a stickler on this, but I really need some help.  I sincerely believe
I'm following all directions.  If the directions don't work as indicated, I'm even combining multiple directions from suggestions past to now.  Unfortunately,
It's still not working.  Any continued help is gratefully appreciated.

Glitch01 on Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 3:25 PM said:

Hi N.,

I am glad that you're not giving up on this because I need someone to work with me on this. Even though I only use the x86 crack, I have been seriously working on this x64 puzzle, and I am not giving up the ghost on it yet. Besides, there are a few more options. It's funny, you know, when I think that all the options are used up, there comes a few more to try. When the time comes and we've run all the options into the ground, I'll reluctantly raise up a white flag.

Also, I hear you on how important the program is to a blind person. And props to you for looking out for your friend.


Can you confirm that the following procedure does not work.

1. Uninstall all JAWS 11 components and start from scratch.
2. Turn off U A C.
3. Restart computer and disable Digital Signature Enforcement through F8 option screen.
4. After Windows 7 loads, install JAWS 11 then apply the crack. (Either apply the crack as stated in the first set or the second set. I am not sure if it makes a difference, but try both options).
5. Again, restart computer and disable Digital Signature Enforcement through F8 option screen.
6. Start JAWS 11.

Once we confirm that this does not work, we can move on to the next option, which requires a third set for me to upload and for you to download.

I'll hear from you later,

N. on Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:26 PM said:

I've actually went through that process of few times.  I also run CCleaner to make sure there's no remnants of the prior install.  Once I run CCleaner, I restart my system and try again.  Unfortunately, we must move on.


Glitch01 on Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:17 PM said:

Hi N.,

When I had requested confirmation, I wasn't asking that you actually run through the steps; I Apologize if it came across that way. I had only wanted a confirmation that the listed process didn't work. All in all, I received the confirmation and I agree with you that we must move on.

As stated in the previous email, there is another set of cracks that I will attach directly to this email since it is small enough. Needless for me to suggest that you run CCleaner since you are already doing that; thanks for that bit of information. Note that this next set involves a new set of cracks very different from the other two sets. Let's hope it will work this time around.

If not, there is a final option, and it is to use "Time Stopper", an application that claims to extend a trial version of an application indefinitely. I will also attach it to this email. Note that I am not certain that this is for a 32bit or 64bit system or both as the documentation did not state either or. In my own opinion, the chance of this solution working is rather low. The reasoning is that the JAWS demo ends after 40 minutes, and Time Stopper sounds like it works for trial applications that end after a specific date. That said, try it if you think it would help.

If that final option does not work, then I am out of ideas. White flag.

The remaining thing to do is to wait for the original cracker to figure out a JAWS 11 64bit crack that actually works. Hmm, I wonder why he or she released something that didn't even work. I guess I have to just be content with not knowing; I haven't the slightest idea of how to locate that person's email to even send a message.

I'll wait to hear from you in either success or defeat.


N. on Wed, Apr 7, 20
Hi Glitch,
There is a newer version of JAWS 11 on the FS website, JAWS 11.0.1430. Could you get a crack for that version? The crack for 11.0.756 probably also works in that newer release, but I want to make sure that all the functions in JAWS work correctly.



Hi ulrich1984,

I attempted to do an update from within JAWS to the next release. What I discovered is that the dazy training files are downloadable from the list of updates, but do not check the JAWS upgrade for download as it will render the crack unusable. Reapplying the previous crack to the new version will not work and cause JAWS 11 to display an error message. I surmise that, in this case, the crack is JAWS version specific. In order to get JAWS 11 to work again, I ran the installation executable and ran the repair feature. Afterwards, I reapplied the crack. I've yet to restart my computer as recommended, but will do so after posting this message. If it doesn't work, then I intend to uninstall JAWS 11 completely and do a reinstall.


Hi Glitch, Sorry for not being available for a long time. Speaking of Webvisum, it is a Capcha solving solution whereby users submit the capcha in webpage to webvisum, and recieve the capcha code copied nicely to their clipboard. With this, users will just need to paste the capcha in the respective place of the text box. For a podcast of Webvisum, check out the link at
Webvisum's homepage can be access at
Btw glitch, if you don't mind, It would be nice if we can get in touch privately. perhaps through E-mails or by some other mean which are convenient for both of us.


Hi genious90,

Thank you for responding about the Firefox plugin called Webvisum. I am downloading it now, and am interested in learning more about it. Also, I am sure, for those blind people who run across this thread, it will be helpful for them as well. As for a way to contact me, downloading the text file in the torrent will give you a head start. Thank you again for providing the link on the Webvisum podcast.


Hi. Have some interesting questions... I know about a dongle emulator for Jaws witch also can be downloaded from piratebay. I have used it with Jaws v10 on Windows xp with success. Of cource I ran on a 32 bit system! I think this is a interesting thread and I have done a little bit researching myself. Yesterday I upgraded to Vista 64 bit and I ran the same version of Jaws as i described first with the same dongle emu. The strange thing was that it seems that Jaws wouldn't recognize the emu... 1. Does the dongle emu support Vista 64 bit? I cant test it on a Vista 32 bit myself. I want to eliminate these possible reasons why it doesn't work: The dongle emu supports 64 bit Vista? 2. Is the problem related to Vista itselfs? Of cource I have disabled UAC and done the driver signing trick! Someone else which can confirm that the dongle emu works on Vista 32 bit Jaws 10? Maybe I later will come up with a possible solution.
...Hi. If someone have an original hardware dongle with is supported of v11 of Jaws I mean that it is possible to make a dump of the dongle key. I have heard about a solution for this. Maybe its possible to integreate the dump into the existing emulator and avoid a possible blacklisting problem?
Hi Glitch, I have contacted you via your Email. btw if you have any problem with WebVisum feel free to contact me.
Hi friends,
The solution to all your captcha problems can be found at
Their captcha-solving concept is quite innovative.
Check it out and let me know what you think.


Hi TPB, this is Glitch,

Very recently, I received an email from a user claiming that JAWS 11 was successfully installed on a Windows 7 x64 machine.

I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt and post the email here and have any x64 users attempt to reproduce the process to get the same result. Seeing how I don't have an x64 machine, I cannot varify on my end, so I am relying on others to post their findings.

Let's hope it doesn't sound too good to be true. :)

Now for the email...

Hay bro. I have good news. I installed jaws 11.0 in my windows7 64bit successfully. First I turned the uac off then installed the jaws and when I first applied the crack, it didn?t work so I tried re-installing the jaws using the option on the installation. I clicked repair jaws and there is an option which will allow you to remove the old settings so I choose that option and continue with the installation. After waiting a few minutes the installation was done and a dialog popped out asking me to restart the system and I clicked "No". Then I go to the folder where the crack is located, pressed enter once on the crack and no reaction at all, then pressed enter once more then boom! The startup wizard is on the go! :) Please share it to our blind community... send me email for the updates. Thanks.

Glitch again...

Once more, for those who are interested in trying this out, do so, and post the results. Thank you.


As usual the method from the mail didn't work. Glitch01: If you want other people to test out things they have to test it properly! A friend of mine tested it out and it took only 6 minuts to confirm that this method either worked to!! No suprising since none of the methods in these 28 postings here didn't work...Better to wait for a better crack and please fuck up complaining its working. These sort is nearly called spamming. Fuck and shit...No real fakta.


Hi TPB, this is Glitch,

I am trying to take the previous flame mail seriously in order that I might compose an adequate response, but I just can't. do forgive me? lol... :)


How splendid.
I know for a fact that the supplied DLL-file for the 64-bit version was apparently the 32-bit version. Before going off to mock about how bad it is that the thing doesn't work, it may be nice to fix this?


Hi LadyGem_98,

Legend has it that LadyGem_98 said, "I know for a fact that the supplied DLL-file for the 64-bit version was apparently the 32-bit version."

Thank you for bringing that fact to my attention. Regardless, with this bit of information, there is nothing that I can do to "fix" the x64 crack. I am not the creator.

I am curious, as to whom are you addressing when you say, "Before going off to mock about how bad it is that the thing doesn't work, it may be nice to fix this?"

If that remark had been addressed to me, I would reply by saying that, as stated in the previous postings and in the torrent description, I am not the creator, but just someone helping to share something that I find to be useful. Also, AS an extension of that, I had written a guide to the installation and crack where there had been originally none.



No, Glitch, I was referring to the numerous sources on the Internet that find it rather uncomfortable to not have their favorite product "ready for use" the day that it gets launched. In fact, I appreciate your hard work!
Now, knowing that you must have obtained this JFW package from somebody, who got it from somebody, and so on... may there be a chance of tracing the original awesome person behind this all? This would greatly simplify matters.
I know that it HAD something to do with version numbers. Quite interesting and all. But I say HAD because this was back with good ol' version 10. So far I haven't had any luck with v11. But then, so far I haven't really tried hard. ;-)
Hi everyone!
Since there is JAWS 11.0.1447 out now, it would perhaps be best if there is a possibility to crack the jfw.exe and jhook.dll so that the demo version sticks at the 40 minutes, so the time does not count down. I have already tried TimeStoper but that didn't work. Does anyone know of a program that can stop that 40-minute countdown? So we could create a crack ourselves.
Although this is a very simple way of cracking Jaws and that doesn't enable Remote Access or Tandem, I would appreciate that method of cracking, and FS cannot make security updates to fix this.



Hi LadyGem_98,

Thanks for setting straight my understanding, and I thank you so much for your appreciation. It is amazing how little of that there is amongst users here in the piracy realm.

As for tracing down the original crackers, they still remain as allusive as the perverbial needle in a haystack. What we need is an equally perverbial high powered magnet to urge them out. Alas, I am sure they remain as undiscovered as they are for perfectly good reasons.




Hi Ulrich1984,

I think that your idea of finding a way to stop the 40 minute limit is an excillent solution. The next step is to find someone with cracking skills who can do something like that. Any volunteers?


Any updates to Jaws 11 crack?
I'm waiting for working cracks that works with multiple versions of Jaws, and must also work in future versions of Jaws, like the dongle emulator for Jaws 10, but it didn't work with Jaws 11.
Please, any updates tell me.
Hi, does anyone know of a program that can stop time countdowns? Such as TimeStopper? TimeStopper can stop trial versions that expire after a certain date, but is it also possible to stop the clock time of a program? Or is there a program that resets the clocktime every 10 or 20 minutes, so the countdown begins again? This is not only great for Jaws cracking, but also for Magic! And in all those programs whose trial versions work a certain amount of time. I hope you understand it right, I don't mean TimeStopper that freezes a program to a certain date, but it should freeze it at a certain clock time.
I hope you can help me.

Unfortunelly a time stopper witch just could freeze the system time in Windows wouldn't work. Jaws have a own time registration module gbuildt in which makes the registration of time undependently of the system clock. Therefor will modification of the system time dont affect the time countdown in Jaws... This is not the right way to go. If someone have a hardware usb dongle for Jaws it would be possible to maybe come up with a working solution... If someone here have a hardware dongle for Jaws please, please post it so I know.. More info will be given.
Where is the new Jaws 11.0.1447 Crack?
I've been looking all over the net and find nothing, I'm desperately want to use this new update!
Also, I want a crack for Magic Screen Magnification 11.0.3046.
Please, produce working crack that works with more than one version of Jaws.
is it perhaps possible to at least increase the time the demo version of Jaws runs? e.g. from 40 minutes to 32768 or 65536 minutes?
Maybe could you hack jfw.exe and jhook.dll files with resource hacker and remove the demo limitation?
Sorry to bump comment;
But I'm fet up of waiting. Why it took so long to even crack one version of Jaws.
Other software's crack are release around 2-3 days after the software was release but Jaws took around months for the cracks to be available.
Come on, I'm very desperate of waiting.
I have crack for jaws 11.0.1447. E-mail Just 32 bit.


Hi TPB, this is Glitch,

I just posted up the torrent for JAWS 11.0.1447 32bit.




Hi TPB, this is Glitch,

Please ignore the link in my previous comment; it has been removed and replaced
with an updated version.

The updated download link for 32bit JAWS 11.0.1447 is:

And the download link for 64bit JAWS 11.0.1447 is:





Ramaditya Skywalker

Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:15 PM

Hello Glitch,

I am Ramaditya, a blind computer user from Indonesia.

I believe you've got many e-mails about JAWS 11 crack for 64-bit version.

Well, I have a 64-bit Windows 7 based laptop and I am currently
running JAWS 11. It's a bit tricky though, but I believe this method
works for me.

First of all, just install Jaws 11 and run JAWS. Let it runs on demo
mode because we will need it to do these steps.

1. First go to a location which is easy to be accessed, for example C:\.

2. Make two empty folders called "1" and "2" (you may create the
folders using whatever name you like, but this one is easier).

3. Copy the folder "JAWS v11.0.756 64bit Crack" and the file "Apply
crack and start JAWS 11" into folder "2".

4. This step will be a bit difficult. First of all, go to folder "1"
and copy the folder "JAWS v11.0.756 64bit Crack" and the file "Apply
crack and start JAWS 11" just exactly what you did on step 3. The
difference is, you must replace all cracked files with the original
one (Go to untouch JAWS installation folder, usually C:\Program
Files\Freedom Scientific, and copy from there). So?

C:\1 - contains JAWS original files
C:\2 - contain JAWS cracked files

5. If you have done those steps above correctly, then you are ready to
go. Note that because of this trick we cannot use automatic startup
function of JAWS (the trick won't work). And, you don't need to do
those 4 steps again, remember that. It is only for first preparation!

So what to do to run JAWS?

Like I told you before, please disable automatic startup function of
JAWS. It means JAWS will not run when you turn the computer on.

When the Windows startup sound can be heard, press WIN+R to bring the
RUN dialog box. In there, type C:\1 and press ENTER. After that, press
A (to go to the apply crack batch file) and press ENTER. Jaws will run
in demo mode (uncracked).

Just play along. Operate your computer for about 3 to 5 minutes. And
then, turn JAWS off and press WIN+R to bring RUN dialog box again.
This time, type C:\2 and press ENTER. Press A then ENTER. If it works,
JAWS will run in crack mode (no time limitation).

But if JAWS does not run (ERROR message appears), go to C:\1 and press
A and ENTER to run the demo again and wait for several minutes, turn
JAWS off and go to C:\2 and press A then ENTER.


I absolutely don't know how this trick works because I just tried many
kinds of experimental actions. But, perhaps by sharing this then it
will give (and hopefully helps) fellow blind users that cannot enjoy
JAWS 11 64-bit.

I guarantee that this trick works for me. I will be more than glad to
make video if need be.


"Ramaditya Skywalker: The Indonesian Blind Blogger"

- Eko Ramaditya Adikara
